Dave A - My rehabilitation experience with Justin
In June 2007, I fell down the stairs and completely fractured my right lower leg in two places. I had an long nail placed inside my shin bone to join the two halves together and plates and screws fitted to hold the ankle joint together.
I was placed in a cast for twelve weeks during which time I managed to fall down more steps and sustained another fracture!
Once the cast was off I was non weight-bearing and in a wheelchair or on crutches for another long period of time.
The prognosis wasn't great and I was told I may not walk properly again.

Enter Justin! I saw him twice a week to start with and his first job was to make the solid plank of wood on the end of my leg resemble a foot again. He started to manipulate my ankle joint which had also completely set and gave me specific rehabilitation exercises to do.
The great thing for me was that at each visit Justin gave me such positive encouragement and managed to increase this range beyond what I could do for myself so that I was constantly able to work at greater and greater degrees of movement.
To cut a long story short, I was weight-bearing much earlier than expected and was walking by Christmas. By March I had summitted my first post-injury mountain and a few months later saw me in Tanzania with my son climbing Kilimanjaro!

I now regularly run ten miles and have successfully completed a 'Tough Mudder’, which is a half marathon obstacle course.
So yes, in my view, Justin rules. Do what he says and get your life back!!